Career Fair Tips

Published On: June 11th, 2018Last Updated: June 11th, 2023Categories: Job Seekers Blog, Tips & AdviceTags: ,
Career Fair Tips - Job Seekers Blog - JobStars Resume Writing Services

The following career fair tips offer guidance on preparing for an in-person event to navigate the competitive landscape, make meaningful connections, and increase your prospects of securing a desirable job opportunity.

In today’s digital-first world, despite our heavy reliance on virtual mediums, many private companies and governmental agencies still view career fairs as a valuable recruiting method for finding candidates across various positions and experience levels. As such, it makes sense to seek out these events.

Read: How to Build Your Network Using Professional Associations

Related: List of National Career Fairs

By implementing these tips, you can make a strong showing and impress recruiters. These strategies will help you effectively represent yourself and leave a positive impression, boosting your overall success potential.

Dress to Impress

The harsh reality is most recruiters form judgments about you based on your appearance before they even hear you speak. Needless to say, dressing appropriately for the career fair is essential.

Study the Companies

To improve your chances of making a strong impression at a career fair, it’s wise to invest time in finding out which companies will be in attendance and dedicating time before the event to research each company. I recommend using an Employer Research Site like Glassdoor as well as Google News for current events.

Bring Multiple Resumes

You’ll likely interact with multiple recruiters at the career fair, so it’s advisable to bring at least 15-20 copies of your Resume on the day of the event. Additionally, you may want to consider printing on special Resume paper. Normal paper is totally fine, but Resume paper will enhance the overall presentation and professionalism of your Resume, making a positive impression on recruiters.

Craft an Elevator Pitch

You’ll need a concise marketing statement that highlights your strengths to prospective employers—an elevator pitch. A well-crafted elevator pitch helps you make a strong and memorable impression on recruiters. For help, check out our article Tips for Writing an Elevator Pitch (with DIY Worksheet).

Follow Up

After attending a local career fair, it’s important to follow up with the recruiters you interacted with. The goal is to stay on their radar. Be sure to collect business cards from recruiters and reach out to companies of interest if you haven’t heard from them within a week or two.

In Conclusion

Dressing appropriately, researching companies, bringing multiple Resumes, crafting an elevator pitch, and following up with recruiters are all key when attending career fairs. These proactive steps will set you apart from other candidates and boost your odds of securing valuable connections and job prospects.

About the Author: Doug Levin

Doug Levin is the owner and operator of JobStars USA, a career services practice serving job seekers of all industries and experience levels. He is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), and Career Coach (CPCC) with a decade of experience in the Resume Writing niche.

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