Applying to Multiple Jobs at the Same Company

Published On: December 8th, 2020Last Updated: January 6th, 2024Categories: Job Seekers Blog, Tips & AdviceTags: ,
Applying to Multiple Jobs at the Same Company - Job Seekers Blog - JobStars USA

Have you ever wanted to work for one particular company, reallllly bad? The following post explores the topic of applying to multiple different job titles at a single organization.

If you’re dead-set on a company, it may cross your mind to apply to multiple different jobs in an effort to blitz the company with applications as a demonstration of your sincere interest.

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While this might seem like a smooth move, it’s ultimately a risky strategy with backfire potential. Here’s why you should exercise caution when applying to multiple jobs at one company.

What is an Example of Applying to Multiple Jobs at One Company?

Applying to multiple jobs at one company means targeting several different job titles. For instance, let’s suppose you really want to get hired at IBM. This means you’d evaluate all of IBM’s job listings and identify the ones that align with your skills and/or experience. Example job titles include:

  • Business Consultant
  • Business Development Specialist
  • Data Scientist
  • Full-Stack Data Engineer
  • Industrial Engineer
  • Product Lead
  • Project Manager
  • Public Relations Coordinator

Is it Bad to Apply to Multiple Jobs at the Same Company?

The short answer, is probably.

Applying to multiple jobs at the same company sends a mixed signal. For example, the required skills and experience for each title above varies greatly, requiring demonstration of specific knowledge and/or experience. By applying to multiple job titles, you’re taking the approach of throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. This is one of the fastest ways to get screened out of a company’s hiring purview altogether.

Will This Tactic Land an Interview?

It’s quite possible that applying to multiple job titles will capture attention that leads to an initial phone screening with your desired employer. However, navigating the interview will be a challenge. Which role are you interviewing for? What truly are your specialties? Under this scenario, your odds of converting an initial screening interview into into something more formal are not great.

How Can I Avoid Doing This?

Find more organizations! It’s a big wide world out there. Instead of putting all your eggs into one basket, do some research, and start building a target employer list to identify other companies.

What if I am Qualified for Multiple Roles?

If you’re truly qualified for more than one or two roles, then it is incumbent upon you to demonstrate this. It’s a good idea to draft multiple variations of your Resume for each unique focus. We do this for clients through our 2nd Focus Resume which is great for job seekers with two or more divergent desired job titles.

In Conclusion

When it comes to landing a dream job at your favorite company, the temptation to apply to multiple positions might be strong. But is it a smart move?

I advise caution, as it sends mixed signals to employers and could lead to being screened out of consideration. Instead, expand your search to other companies and industries and, if genuinely qualified for multiple roles, create customized Resumes to showcase your skills effectively.

About the Author: Doug Levin

Doug Levin is the owner and operator of JobStars USA, a career services practice serving job seekers of all industries and experience levels. He is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), and Career Coach (CPCC) with a decade of experience in the Resume Writing niche.

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