Job Interview Tips for Job Seekers

Published On: May 23rd, 2018Last Updated: February 28th, 2024Categories: Job Seekers Blog, Tips & AdviceTags: , ,
Job Interview Tips - Job Seekers Blog - JobStars

The following post explores the best Job Interview Tips for Job Seekers.

A job interview is similar to a sales presentation. You should prepare ahead of time to address any objections from your audience. As a job seeker, your end goal is to earn that job offer.

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Whether you’re throwing your hat into the ring for one of the world’s top dream jobs (as revealed in this study by Jobseeker) or you’re applying for an entry-level position, it pays to be prepared.

These five job interview tips will help you create a favorable impression and increase your odds of winning an offer.

Remember, HR is a Gatekeeper

Interviewees may conflate the role that Human Resources representatives play in the hiring process. Professionals in this field take pride in their gatekeeper status. No one gets hired without going through them first.

One of the most common job interview questions asked by HR professionals is why you want to leave your current job. If you make disparaging comments about your current employer, they see it as a reason to remove you from consideration. Make sure your response focuses on some positive fact about the prospective employer.

Educate Yourself on the Company

Whether you’re interviewing with a Fortune 500 company or a small business, learn about the organization before the interview. Check out the company’s website so you know its line of business, size, and corporate culture. It’s wise to run a search on Google News for articles on recent company news. You may conduct research using LinkedIn’s Company Pages Directory too.

Interviewers want to know why you want to work for their company.  Make sure you reference those appealing aspects during your interview. You create a positive impression when you make statements that show interest in the company, not just the job.

Prepare for Common Job Interview Questions

HR people and hiring managers often don’t have time to create a list of questions. They frequently use a standard set of interview questions that are available online. Using a standardized set of questions also allows hiring authorities to clearly compare candidates.

For instance, when conducting an interview for a product owner position, employing scenario based product owner interview questions can prove to be an invaluable tool for evaluating a candidate’s capacity to think critically and make sound decisions even in the most intricate circumstances. The application of such questions can enable interviewers to verify that they are appointing a product owner capable of competently managing the product throughout its lifecycle. Through this approach, interviewers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the candidate’s ability to communicate, collaborate, and handle the complexities and challenges that come with the product ownership role.

Common job interview questions get at your strengths and weaknesses. Interviewers often ask behavioral questions about how you handle stress and deal with challenging situations. One of the most common job interview tips (that is often overlooked) is to practice role-playing Q&A ahead of time.

Ask Questions at the End of the Interview

Interviewers want you demonstrate interest in the position. Straightforward questions about the role and the company help you develop that impression. Remember, they are not looking for people who want any job.

As the interview is wrapping up you should ask the hiring manager about the timeline for filling the position. Once you have a date or general timeline, also make sure to verify who the appropriate contact is to follow-up with.

Remember Small Details

Interviewers start making judgements immediately. For face-to-face interviews, wear flattering clothes, have a firm handshake, and bring extra copies of your resume and references.

If your interview is over the phone, make sure to smile so you have an upbeat tone of voice. Also, conduct your interview from a quiet place with a landline or find good cell service. Failing to take note of small details is one of the most common job interview mistakes.

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About the Author: Doug Levin

Doug Levin is the owner and operator of JobStars USA, a career services practice serving job seekers of all industries and experience levels. He is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), and Career Coach (CPCC) with a decade of experience in the Resume Writing niche.

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