RE: Message From the Owner (2024)

Dear Website Visitor,

Please allow me to thank you for visiting my website and taking time to learn more about JobStars USA, an independently owned and operated career services practice.

The purpose of this message is simply to communicate some valuable context points about my services.

First, I am empathetic to how time consuming and potentially frustrating the process of job seeking is. SO MUCH goes into it. Finding a new job can feel truly daunting. Putting together a Resume and LinkedIn profile is just the starting point. Most job seekers spend tens of hours over many weeks searching, applying, and interviewing before any good offers come.

Even then, after you’ve finally accepted an offer, will the new role/company be satisfying?

None of this is easy. We live in a competitive world! You should be prepared to invest the time and resources it takes to compete in the job market amongst many qualified and credentialed peers.

That’s where JobStars comes in. You don’t have to ‘go it alone’.

I built this entire business with the intent of helping professionals (just like you) achieve their job search goals. Together, we can position you for success in realizing the next chapter of your professional career.

Doug Levin JobStars USA

Doug Levin, Owner of JobStars USA


A cornerstone value of JobStars summed up in one word is quality.

From developing your new Resume and LinkedIn profile, to conducting mock interviews, to applying to jobs on your behalf, we strive for quality in every engagement. That’s the standard I live by and hold my business to.


As a practicing Resume Writer for 10+ years, my experience runs the gamut with respect to the type of clients I’ve served.

From A to Z, I’ve developed interview-winning documents for a broad range of industries, occupations, and seniority levels. In addition to the private sector, I am also well-versed in military-to-civilian and Federal projects. As a member of PARW and CTL, I am tapped into the collective knowledge of two leading career services associations.


My goal is to deliver maximum value. Value is best defined as ‘the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.’

I look for the ‘sweet spot’ where rates are competitive and the delivery of high quality services is paramount. My business is neither the cheapest, nor the most expensive service out there. Please see Our Differentiators to learn how we deliver value.


Providing a secure and confidential process that safeguards your personally identifiable information is my commitment.

All phone calls and digital correspondence are discreet, confidential, and never shared outside of JobStars. Please read the Customer Privacy Policy to learn what information is collected and how it’s used as a JobStars customer.

In Conclusion

Thank you for taking time to read this message and to learn more about JobStars.

Now, I am interested in learning more about your job search objectives and where you need the most help. I am happy to review your current Resume (no charge) or we can setup a time to talk.

Feel free to call (312) 788-9686 or use the contact us form.


Doug Levin, Owner